For Restaurants

Supply Made As Easy As Pie

Enjoy the best deals

Connect with your suppliers or find new ones on the marketplace. Get more out of every supply purchase, as you get to compare prices between the most reputed food suppliers.

Teamwork is dream work

Add your team members and all other branches to the platform. Place items to cart, order review and approve effortlessly.

Seamless Payment

Order from several suppliers and enjoy one single checkout for all your weekly food supply orders. Enjoy the benefits of generating invoices and receipts automatically.

More than
400 verified suppliers

Easy Onboarding Process

Would you like to know more or have some questions? Get in touch with our customer service, we will be happy to answer your questions or guide you through the onboarding process.

Sign Up

Sign up with your business details. Easy and smooth process that will not take you more than 30 seconds.

Add your suppliers

Add all your suppliers to the platform, our team will help you during this process. If you prefer your can find new suppliers directly in our marketplace.

Start placing orders

You are ready to start placing orders for your restaurant. Remember you can order from your regular suppliers or find new ones on the marketplace.

So are you ready to take your restaurant business to the next level?

Get in touch with us!

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